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Connage Crowdie Panna Cotta with Tomato and Basil Salad
3 Leaves of Gelatine
320g Connage Crowdie
250ml Whole milk
250ml Double Cream
25g Butter
Juice & Zest of 1/2 Lemon
Salt and Pepper
Soak the gelatine in cold water until soft. Heat milk, cream and butter in pan until just below boiling point, then remove from the heat. Squeeze out water from Gelatine and add to milk and cream, stir until dissolved. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Allow to cool until tepid.
Mix crowdie with zest and juice of 1/2 lemon. Add cream, milk, gelatine mixture to crowdie and stir well until thoroughly blended. Pour into ramekin moulds and chill in fridge for at least 8 hours.
4 Tomatoes
Juice and zest of 1/2 lemon
Fresh Basil leaves
50ml Cullisse Rapeseed Oil
Blanch tomatoes to remove skin, remove seeds and dice. Tear basil leaves and add to tomato concasse. Add Cullisse rapeseed oil and lemon juice (2/3: 1/3 ratio) and lightly fold together.
Serve Panna cotta at room temperature and serve with tomato concasse, decorate with a basil sprig.
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